These problems stem from the editors'misconceptions of nuclear scope, fundamental domain, extension field as well as related domain in comparative literature. 问题的出现与教材编写者对于比较文学理论知识的核心域、基本域、扩展域与相关域之结构的认识存在误区有密切关系。
They laid a solid foundation for cooperation in China nuclear field. 为后期双方在中国核能领域的合作奠定了坚实的基础。
They have agreed to continue co-operating with us in the nuclear energy field. 他们同意在核能领域继续与我们开展合作。
Prime Minister and president are as one that there is no question of any diminution of national capabilities, above all in the nuclear field. 英国首相和法国总统一致认为,不存在削弱国家实力的问题,尤其是在核武器领域。
Neutron measurement technology is one of important Non-destructive assay methods in nuclear safeguards field. 中子测量技术是核保障领域非破坏性分析技术中重要方法之一。
Coherent effect in weak-deformed nuclear field 小变形原子核中的相干效应
Economic anthropology has become a hub and the nuclear field of understanding social and cultural anthropology today. 经济人类学在当代已成为理解社会与文化人类学的一个枢纽和核心领域。
Two important directions in the development of proton linacs are high current proton linacs ( mainly applied in nuclear power field) and compact proton linacs ( for proton therapy). 当前质子直线加速器发展的两个重要方向是强流质子直线加速器和小型质子直线加速器.前者主要用于核能领域,后者主要用于质子治疗。
The relativistic nuclear mean field theory may be used to estimate the scalar field felt by a quark in nuclear medium. 相对论性核平均场论可以用来研究核介质中与夸克相互作用的标量场。
The advancement of simulation technology promotes the deep research of real-time systems in urgent need such as nuclear reactor, military field and fly-by-wire systems. 仿真技术的进步推动了实时系统(如核反应堆、军事战场和fly-by-wire系统)的深入研究。
Principles and foundation: national standards on quantities and units in nuclear science field 原则和依据:核科学领域量和单位的国家标准
The coherent effect inherent in particle-particle pair or particle-hole pair which is moving in a rotating weak-deformed nuclear field has been investigated. 本文考察了在转动的小变形核力场中运动的核子-核子对、核子-空穴对中的相干效应。
Gamma camera is an important diagnostic instrument in nuclear medical field, and it is one of the most basic and important image instruments in modern nuclear medical. γ相机(gammacamera)是一种重要的核医学显影诊断仪器,是现代核医学中最基本、最重要的影像设备之一。
It is the one of important problems that how to get and analyze the multi-channel data of nuclear energy spectral efficiently in nuclear data acquisition field. 如何高效地获取分析核能谱多道数据是核数据采集领域里的重要课题之一。
The computer processing system for theoretical calculation in nuclear data field 核数据理论计算程序处理系统的研制
Nuclear medicine is an interdisciplinary field consisting of clinical and experimental nuclear medicine and nuclear medical physics, with close relationships to nuclear physics, nuclear detection technology and computer science. 核医学由临床核医学、实验核医学及核医学物理3部分组成.核医学在医疗保健及战胜疾病中发挥了重要作用。
The quality requirements of quality system standard ISO9001:1994 are different from that of national nuclear safety code HAF003 ( 91). The organizations in nuclear industry field are always puzzled by this problem. 质量保证体系标准ISO9001-94和国家核安全法规HAF003(91)对质量体系的要求有所差异,这是核行业质量认证组织面临的主要问题。
A new method for numerical modelling of thermal and nuclear pollution in far field of cooling water from nuclear plant 核电站冷却水远区热、核污染数值计算的一种新方法
The emphasis is laid on the developments of the relativistic self-consistent mean field theory in the phenomenology, the quantum corrections and some problems for the relativistic nuclear field theory. 侧重评介了相对论性平均自洽场理论在唯象学上的发展、相对论性核场论的量子修正和存在问题。
More about the application of nuclear magnetic resonance in medical field 再谈核磁共振在医学方面的应用
Nuclear medicine methods in the field of studying the mechanisms of delayed phase of myocardial preconditioning 延迟相心肌缺血预适应机制的核医学方法研究
The serious influences may be caused by equipment fault in a nuclear power station to operation safety. Hence, fault diagnosis technologies are met with altitudinal recognition in nuclear field. 由于核电厂设备故障可能对核电厂安全运行带来严重的影响,因此,故障诊断技术在核电领域受到高度重视。
The experimental results show that the transient optical fiber measurement system which employs electro-optic and photo-electric conversion technology is suitable for measurement of pulsed nuclear radiation field and fast signal transmission. 4. 实验结果表明:采用电光转换和光电转换技术的光纤脉冲核辐射测量系统可用于脉冲辐射场参数测量以及快脉冲信号传输。
In order to enhance the safety and economy of Nuclear Power Plant, computer and control-info-technology is widely applied in nuclear power field. 为了保证核电厂的安全性、提高经济性,计算机和控制、信息技术正越来越多地被应用于核电领域。
This research and analysis of the main contents include the following respects: ( 1) Nuclear waste repository of the temperature field, deformation field and stress field is analyzed. And the disposal repository of surrounding rock, backfilling materials, artificial barriers were chosen and analysis. 本文所研究和分析的主要内容包括下列几个方面:(1)对核废料处置库的围岩、固化方法、回填材料、地质屏障等进行了对比和分析。
In nuclear physics, the mean field theory is an effective method to study the nu-clear many-body system. 在核物理中,平均场近似是非常有效的研究核多体系统性质的方法。相对论平均场理论(RMF)即是其中的典型代表。
The clean energy represented by nuclear energy has become the main research field by most of the developed countries. 以核能为代表的清洁能源已经成为各经济强国主要研究的课题。
This paper narrates the rock salt has many advantages as repository of surrounding rock. ( 2) The thermodynamics, rock mechanics and creep mechanics, the corresponding contents of nuclear waste repository of the temperature field and stress field are analyzed in theory. 并详细叙述了岩盐作为处置库围岩的优点。(2)根据热力学、岩石力学和蠕变力学的理论知识,对核废料处置库的温度场和应力场进行了理论分析。